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About Us


Gramigna ODV is an Italian voluntary association that deals with urban agriculture, European projects, social inclusion and sustainable development.

Registered at regional register of voluntary organizations of Campania at number 2469, registered on the portals of the European Commission for the presentation of European projects,beneficiary of accreditation for the execution of the European Solidarity Corps


We are working to make young people in our areas aware of all the opportunities offered by the Erasmus + program, by entering into partnership agreements with Youth Forums.


We deal with social farming laboratories for disadvantaged people (refugees, migrants, people with psychiatric disorders, ex-prisoners).


We develop educational projects for people and schools on issues of environmental sustainability, rural development and social integration. We work in collaboration with local, national and international partners.


We manage the project of urban gardens "Buon Orto Fa Buon Sangue" in the city of Benevento.



Our organization is:


#SustainableDevelopment       #SocialInclusion      #Empowerment #Employability #NonFormalEducation #ReparativePractises #Diversity #InterculturalDialogue #InterreligiousDialogue #Tolerance #HumanRights #ComputerLiteracy #CriticalThinking #YouthPolicies #UrbanRegeneration #RuralDevelopment #ActiveCitizenship #EuValues #CulturalMobility 


Gramigna APS

via Pazzano 9, 82030 Torrecuso (Bn), Italia - Codice Fiscale 92063080623 - Mobile/Whatsapp+393274084934

Iscritta al Registro Regionale del Volontariato della Campania con Decreto 272 del 26/04/2018 Dipart. 50 Direzione G. 5 Unità O.D. 1

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