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Yeta Project -                 

About YETA​​

YETA (Youth Education-Tourism in Action through Social Entrepreneurship) is a project co-funded by the European Union dedicated to raising awareness among young people and advancing skills for social entrepreneurship in the sustainable tourism sector.

The partnership is composed of Gramigna APS (Italy), Edufons (Serbia), Atperson (Spain), AFCS (Greece) and Omnia (Cyprus). The project offers a valuable opportunity for young people to receive training using modern digital tools. YETA aims to equip its primary target groups with the knowledge and tools needed to pursue socially innovative and entrepreneurial paths, while promoting sustainability goals. Through this project, young people and youth educators have the opportunity to connect virtually, learn from each other and share their progress. They will also have the opportunity to meet in person, inspiring each other and expanding their professional networks. Overall, YETA empowers young people to explore opportunities for social entrepreneurship in the tourism sector, preserving cultural heritage and promoting sustainability.

​During this project, a portal was created where in-depth learning activities could be carried out.

Blended learning, which combines online learning with in-person workshops and virtual activities, is increasingly recognized as a highly effective educational method. The YETA project has meticulously implemented this approach to provide a robust and cyclical learning experience. The program includes online learning modules that include quizzes to allow students to learn at their own pace and from anywhere. These resources, accessible via the YETA learning platform. As for the local workshops, they are structured in two phases, with virtual mobilities in between to maintain continuous engagement and learning.

In this scenario, the local workshops serve as a crucial bridge between the online learning modules and real-world application.

The workshops provided participants with practical skills, promoting teamwork, creativity and cultural awareness. The sustainable tourism maps created by the participants showcased the rich cultural and natural heritage of their local areas and are valuable teaching tools for future learning. These maps will continue to be fundamental in the educational journeys of participants long after the project is completed. They provide a basis for future initiatives by organizations and communities, promoting continued engagement with sustainable tourism and biophilic design principles.

To facilitate the work of youth workers, the YETA team has created a comprehensive manual available as an Open Educational Resource (OER). You can access this valuable resource here.


Building on this project, participants from our association have begun to develop a website to promote tourism at a local level. In particular, they have developed a virtual tour

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Visit Torrecuso

Stroll through the alleys of Torrecuso with our virtual tour and get to know our territory.

Click here

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Get to know our village starting from this website

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Gramigna APS

via Pazzano 9, 82030 Torrecuso (Bn), Italia - Codice Fiscale 92063080623

Iscritta al RUNTS con repertorio 77902 del 07/11/2022

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