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Migrants in the rural areas

The Diverural project took place in Italy, Portugal and Spain, in three very different rural areas. The project partners are Casa D'Abobora (Portogallo) e Teatro On Off (Spagna)

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About the project

The project started with a demographic and social survey of migrants present in the Torrecuso area. 112 migrants present in the area were mapped, with an incidence of 3.5 percent of the total inhabitants.

An Italian language class was held for 8 weeks. The meetings were supported by experts from various sectors, making these meetings also useful for acquiring knowledge of civic education.

There were 2 intercultural dinners and a multiplier event that was made to coincide with the end of Ramadan, organizing a party in the center of the town.

Finally, a document called "The inclusion of migrants in rural areas" was created.


Gramigna APS

via Pazzano 9, 82030 Torrecuso (Bn), Italia - Codice Fiscale 92063080623

Iscritta al RUNTS con repertorio 77902 del 07/11/2022

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